Everyone in the world of work runs their own enterprise by selling know-how, a combination of expertise and experience. That know-how is always packaged into two things – either a product or a service. If you have just one customer, then you become an employee. If you have more than one customer, then you become an employer – either self-employed on your own or running a team that employs others. If you decide to employ yourself then you will be responsible for
- finding paid work,
- keeping accounting records and
- submitting accounts for the purpose of tax payment.
As an employee however, your employer undertakes to do all of that for you under what is known as a Contract of Employment.
At first glance, being an employee looks to be the easiest option. And we would agree. But it is not necessarily the safest since the only security around the job is a brief period of notice should you be made redundant. COVID-19 has taught us how precarious employment can be and how dependent it is on external factors outside of your control. The popular view is that becoming self-employed and starting your own business is very risky. That is undeniably true, since around half of all new businesses fail within five years… not just in Malta, but in every country around the world. But the two-fold solution is actually quite easy: before you start a business
- learn how to test whether it is viable and
- learn how to avoid the avoidable risks and how to deal with the unavoidable risks. And that is exactly what this course will teach you.
But the help does not stop there. After the course, the TAKEOFF Incubator can assist you in applying for grant-funding from Malta Enterprise and other sources of start-up finance. And TAKEOFF can also provide you with a ‘base’ from which to operate during your first three years of trading plus monthly mentoring from our accredited advisers. All for just 35 euros per month (including free coffee!) and there are no ‘hidden’ extras, see: https://takeoff.org.mt/resources/
Main Reading List
- Course Materials (all free)
Supplementary Reading List
- Jumping into Business (Short animation)
- Staying on the Level (short animation)
- The Essentials of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (printed copy, also downloadable booklet)
- The Cash Flow Forecast (downloadable template)
- How to Start a Business in Malta (downloadable booklet, produced with Malta Enterprise)
- How to grow a Social Enterprise (downloadable booklet)
- 50 training videos (5-10 minutes) that explain everything in the ‘Essentials’ booklet
All freely available from: https://takeoff.org.mt/resources/